Like the example of addition, students will solve division word problems and eventually apply some logical skills in coming up with the operations from division stories. There is also the problem of remainders in long division which children will also encounter. In such cases students have to borrow from the next number. The challenge with this method comes in when the first digit in a two or longer digit number is not divisible by the denominator. Division can go from dividing small numbers with the help of pictures right up to dividing large numbers that require you to use a long division method. Another topic that gets more attention in grade 3 is division which was introduced in the earlier grade. This approach is an initiation to logic and critical thinking which children get exposed to as they advance to higher levels. They also learn word problems in which they decode addition problems from explanations or short stories in a text. In the 3rd grade, children get to learn addition of large numbers requiring them to carry numbers across places in some instances. For example, in lower levels, children are taught addition of smaller numbers up to two digits. However in grade three, we tend to switch things up a little bit. Consistent with this mindset, kindergarten right up to 2nd grade focuses on essential math skills which tend to include all the operations studied in grade three. It is important to build this foundation in our kids if we hope that they will succeed in future. Math is a fun subject especially when students have a solid foundation. We are constantily upgrading this secrion based on the grade 3 mathematics curriculum. We appreciate sharing these resources to other teachers and parents who may be in need.
Our worksheets are free and you are allowed to share them in your forums. All you need is a printer to start making your own collection of tests. We have made reviewing maths for class 3 easy since there is an answer key attached to each of the worksheets in this page. Grade three math activites are structured around slightly advanced math topics than those children saw in the previous grades. The main aim of these worksheets is to offer children a fun task, which will help them learn, revise, and polish their math skill. As our worksheets will be covering the same curriculum taught in schools, they will help kids develop and polish skills they are being taught.

These worksheets were specially designed to to ensure that students are having fun, it is a fun task that give the intention of working on something fun, rather than plain old school work. Keep in mind, the worksheets we are providing you with are not a test for your child, these are a fun activity to do which enables them to learn, revise, and polish them mathematical skills. Worksheets are not just a great way to learn, they are a great way to revise your skills and knowledge. As they will be a proof that all your kids concepts are in fact clear. With the help of our worksheets you will be able to cover all the basics and advance (according to their level) concepts.

Worksheets are an interactive and fun way to boost independent learning, and at this stage in their life students should be pushed towards independent learning. Which is why we have designed various worksheets for students of the 3rd grade, keeping in mind their level of understanding and how far they have come. There is no doubt that mathematics is a vast and deep field, which requires a lot of understanding and in order to understand any concept better we have to be able to solve it. Third grade is the time for more complex math problems, and here kids move from mastering basics to learning new and more complex matters.

3rd grade math worksheets - at this time most students are of age 8 to 9, and have mastered the most basic math skills.