In addition, the Legacy BGM Pack that can be purchase with the game (or comes included with it, depending on which version you buy) allows players to experience tracks from the following games: The tracks have the signature “Persona 5 vibes” (no pun intended), varying from smooth and mellow to robust as required by the situations. The game boasts a variety of new music that was made specifically for it. Let's get right into some tips for those starting their journey. This fits well with the scope of the game that it is, but it is definitely a point of conflict for many fans. Another key difference that fans of the traditional games might be surprised by is the fact that there are no relationship goals to be achieved or any kind of life simulation to be had. Effectively opening up the jails to more detailed exploration, this feature definitely eases the burden on the time crunch aspect. This is owing to the fact that players are allowed to re-visit any jail they have unlocked at any time. The first main thing is that the pressure of time management has been reduced significantly. However, there are quite a few glaring differences in this title compared to the main game.

Facing a new threat called the “Jails” (similar to Castles from the mainline game), the Phantom Thieves must prevent the “monarchs” from stealing the desires of the people around them. With musou-style gameplay incorporating classic elements of the series, the game is packed with exciting stuff to do. The Phantom Thieves are back at it again, leaving cards and stealing hearts across Japan. Persona 5 Strikers (aka Persona 5 Scramble) is a direct sequel to Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal.