No I want you to fill out everything BESIDES this part. So, I DO NOT want you to fill out this entire CS right off the bat actually. Oh sweet holy balls here comes the good part. You may go into detail with religion and such as well as your architecture or not if you don’t want to. Your military population should match your percentage.

Your reserve, active duty, and navy should all add up to equal your total military population. Navy population: (If applicable, land locked nations would lack this) Percentage relevant to population.: Total military population: Yes people can have similar specializations, but I’d love it if we had a variety.) These are specific, SPECIFIC, things that your military specializes in to enhance it’s combat proficiency. Anways depending on your choice I’ll need leaders name and info as well as your council or such. If you intend to do solely narrative kingdom style then I can understand little detail here. If you rely a lot on RPing out court politics within your court then Id expect to see some detail here. You may be as detailed or as brief as you like in this section depending on how you RP this out. Population: (Doesn’t have to be to the exact or even the hundredth, just give me a general number here.) Governmental Structure: (Fantasy kingdoms so I’d hope you have the sense to do either a monarchy or other governmental structure from the medieval era of history.

This is entirely for the purpose of me getting a feel for your nation and the goals behind you creating this nation. Here I want you to describe it to be as if you were TALKING to me, pretend I’m an RL friend that you’re talking to about your nation. No I don’t want all your detail in depth here, that will go else where. Give me a brief or lengthy description of your nation here. Or just any relevant image to your nation.